As a reminder, if recertifying as an IBCLC, you will need 250 hours of lactation consultant practice, basic life support education (CPR or NRP), and a total of 75 CERPs during the 5 years before your application for recertification is due. This includes a breakdown of a minimum of 50 L-CERPS, 5 E-CERPs, and the remaining 20 CERPs can be any combination of L, E or R CERPs.
If you are looking for a place in Hawaii to obtain your CPR or NRP, first check with your employer if they offer either of these. If not, you can contact one of these organizations for course fees and scheduling:
ACLS National (Online)
AMR Hawaii (Oahu only)
American Red Cross (Online and Statewide)
Glad Life Inc (Maui)
Hawaii CPR Training (Oahu)
Hearts4Kauai (Kauai)
Island CPR (Hawaii Island)
MM CPR Hawaii (Maui)
National CPR Association (Online)
Neo-Hawaii (Oahu)
Looking for continuing educational opportunities specific to lactation? Check out the organizations below for webinars and annual conferences. These organizations have education that has been awarded CERPs; make sure what you’re purchasing includes CERPs if you need them.
Breastfeeding Outlook
California Breastfeeding Coalition
Catherine Watson Genna
GOLD Lactation
Evergreen Perinatal Education
Facts of Life
Hazelbaker Lactation Institute
Health Education Associates, Inc
Health e-Learning (International Institute of Human Lactation, Inc)
IBCLC Master Class (for IBCLCs only)
IBLCE Listing of CERP awarded programs available
Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding & Lactation Education (IABLE)
International Lactation Consultants Association (ILCA)
Lactation Education Resources (LER)
Michigan Breastfeeding Network
UC Davis Human Lactation Center
United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA)